This is the Tribes 2 Linux 22460 update. Changes for 22460: ======================== - **GAMEPLAY CHANGE** Spider clamp turrets need more surface area for legal deploy space now - Minor tweak to improve long-term server stability. - A new voice codec, 'GSM' was added to allow voice communication between Linux and Windows users. - Minor sound system tweaks and fixes. - Minor BOT navigation and seeking improvements. - Fix removing BOTs counting toward the Vote Meter representation. - Improvement for vehicle physics, particularly instances when vehicles would get stuck on their edge. - Fix for BOT's skins not dynamically updating to correct team skin, when Admin team changed them. - Fixed bug where certain cases would cause cursor to vanish when it should not. - Minor server query improvements. - Fix players can be added to the 'Admin List'. - No more voting to BAN, only Super ADMIN may now BAN. - Various GUI improvements, notably the Voice Com. elements in the Lobby, and some minor pointer icon improvements for certain cases. - Linux 'Penguin' symbol added for Server List Screen when joining, so users may identify Windows and Linux servers at a glance. Changes for 22337: ======================== - Added a default Arial font so that missing fonts in the community forums don't crash the client. - OpenAL is now dynamically loaded, reducing CPU usage when sound is turned off. This also fixes the problem where once sound is disabled on the command line, the client prefs had to be edited to re-enable it. - **SIEGE GAMEPLAY CHANGE**: When attacking a base, you will see red waypoints on the generators. When those generators are destroyed, the waypoints will change to green. If the generators are repaired thereafter, they will return to red. If you are on the defender team, these colors are reversed (green normally, red if destroyed, green if repaired again). This will help teams coordinate attack and defense more easily. - **FLARE GREANDE GAMEPLAY CHANGE**: Each flare will only attract ONE missile now. When the missile hits the flare, the flare will be destroyed. Only the first missile fired after the flare is thrown will be fooled by that flare. Other missiles must be attracted by other flares in order to be avoided. - There was a problem where emails were getting cloned multiple times for some folks. This is fixed now and no longer occurs. - There was an issue where the single player game type was not being properly cleared for folks when they left single player and went to other games. This is fixed now. - A stray underground generator was removed from Caldera. - The name column will no longer jump to the top when folks leave and join a room, thus making it easier to stay focused on a particular player's name. - If you steal a vehicle, the vehicle's sensor radius will not switch to the stealing player's team. In otherwords, the sensor of the vehicle will still report to the original team's sensor net...not the team that stole the vehicle. That's as design and is one of the drawbacks of using a stolen vehicle. - Bounty & Hunter: The player icons on the command maps are now the correct colors. - More items have correct names and tags on the command map and in the HUD. There were instances like "East Generator Generator". Those have been eliminated. - The last patch accidentally eliminated the "PlayerXXX joined YYYY game. Click here to join." links from the CHAT. This has been resolved and is now available again. - Players are no longer able to squeeze in under the tires of vehicles and play Superman by lifting them off the ground. ; ) - Bots were getting stuck in Riverdance when the fell in the water near the bridge. This has been fixed. - Added more filtering options so that the filters for the server query (JOIN) screen are more powerful and flexible. - Added a platform indicator so users can tell whether they are joining a Win32 or Linux server. (Shouldn't make any difference to game play, but we felt you'd like to know.) - Fixed a small texture leak on 3Space objects. - Added an underwater satchel charge effect. Slightly increased the delay time between activating the satchel and the time that it actually explodes (this was as designed...a minor bug was causing it to explode too soon). Changes for 22228: ======================== - Fixed a problem that could have caused texture leaking in the interiors - Fixed an AI problem in Training 2 - A bug where infinite ammo could be gained by tossing the ammo was prevented. - Fixed a problem in Training 2 where a waypoint wouldn't update properly. - Thundersword and Havoc hold steady now when players try to jump in so they don't invert and detonate. - Scoring has been fixed so that it isn't blanked any longer if the admin changes the time limit during a game. - Active server queries will be cancelled now when you join a game (loads game faster now). - If standing in an inventory station when it is destroyed you no longer permanently lose weapons. - Fixed a problem where the bombardier could create a permanent targeting laser. - Cleaned up Chat text to remove programming characters. - Fixed "highlight text with my nick" option so it saves preference to file correctly. - Made MPB able to climb hills more easily and reduced damage from impact with the ground. - Added button to stop server queries in progress on "JOIN" screen. - Observers can now only chat with other observers (no one else can hear them). - Made deployable inv stations have smaller trigger so they don't "suck you in" from so far away. - Bots will now claim switches in CnH more accurately. - Added a "max distance" ring for sensors on the commander map so players can more accurately assess how well they placed the sensor in relation to how much area it is actually sensing. - Added a "ding" sound when you have filled up a text buffer so that you know why your text isn't showing up. - Fixed Chat HUD so that page up/page down works better. - Fixed a situation where Heavies could end up being permanently cloaked. - The MPBs on the "Alcatraz" map now deploy correctly (Siege map). - The "edited post" date stamp now works correctly. - If you jump into a vehicle while zoomed in, the zoom will reset correctly therafter now. - The Score Screen (F2) is now available while in a vehicle. - You can now vote to kick observers, if desired. - The ELF turret is fixed so it no longer fires at players when destroyed (an intermittent bug) - Some console spam associated with the Wildcat has been removed. - There was a situation where a player could die twice if he fell out of bounds. That has been resolved. - Screen resolution information should update properly now when restarting the application. - The camera should no longer be able to dip below terrain when in third person mode. Changes for 22075: ======================== - Voice over IP support has been temporarily disabled Changes for 22002: ======================== - Fixed ambient sound angle attenuation - Added preliminary voice over IP support (Linux <-> Linux only) - Fixed lots of crash bugs - No longer minimize the window when launching a URL in windowed mode - NVidia 0.9-769 drivers rock! Definitely upgrade your drivers! :) Known issues: ============ - NVidia OpenGL 0.9-769 driver issues: Single-processor and Multi-processor: * Some versions of agpgart lock up under heavy load. - Matrox OpenGL driver issues: * The Tribes 2 rendering hits a software path ====== Please report all bugs to Fenris: